Excitement… upcoming cons

Goooosh I can’t wait for Otakon! I’m looking forward to Animazement, too, of course, but Otakon…! My aunt, my grandparents, Kristie, Ash and me are all going, it’s almost like a family vacation except with anime and costumes!! ooo I’m so excited!
I’ve decided to hold off on Misato until Animazement, because I think we’re only going to do MidSouthCon for one day. I’m still going to go ahead and work on it, and Lulu. And I’m going to do Xiaoyu for Animazement, too… and of course my Rally Vincent costume. That’s it for Animazement at the moment. Still looking for a flight… cheapest right now I’ve found is $130 out of Nashville at 6 AM on Friday morning… gads, we’d just have to stay up all night thursday. Well, we were told to give it two hours for security check, but last time I was in Nashville at that time in the morning, that was maybe… 20 people there? lol. (that was the same day, too, the first day of animazement last year!)
For Otakon I’m planning on wearing Lulu again. I have to wear it more than once, lol! And Urd, of course… and I’m still thinking about Ocha. I bought a wig. I don’t know if it’s going to work. I can’t seem to find any green face paint on the ‘net, but I guess I’m just not looking in the right places. And I may do the Kero-chan or Faye Valentine. I haven’t decided yet. I think Faye would be easier.